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Do Faith-Based Recovery Programs Work? The Evidence to Support a “Yes!”

At Forever International, our Christian treatment program helps men of faith achieve recovery from addiction using the teaching from the Bible, a commitment to prayer, and fellowship with other Christians. But achieving recovery is never easy, and it’s important to choose a treatment center that works.

Do faith-based recovery programs work, or are medical-based models more effective? The scientific evidence shows that faith-based programs are just as effective as secular treatment options and that they can be even more effective for Christian men seeking recovery.

The Evidence for Faith-Based Recovery Programs

Hundreds of scientific studies have found positive associations with faith and achieving recovery. A recent review of these publications determined that the positive results of faith-based recovery programs are indisputable and that 73% of treatment centers in the United States already have spiritual practices incorporated into their programs.

Even programs that advertise themselves as being secular may incorporate spiritual principles. Self-help support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous place a heavy emphasis on finding a connection with a higher power to help people achieve sobriety, and 12-Step facilitation is the most common evidence-based approach to recovery.

The overwhelming majority of programs using faith as a tool for helping people achieve sobriety is a clear indication that faith-based recovery works. Science has validated these claims, with several studies showing improved recovery outcomes being associated with a greater commitment to religious practices.

Why Faith-Based Recovery Works

do faith-based recovery programs work?

Through Christ, all things are possible. Recommitting yourself to a life led by Christian principles, dedicating yourself to prayer, and building connections with other men of faith can all help you finally break free from your addiction and provide a bedrock of recovery to last a lifetime.

There are countless reasons why faith-based recovery may be the right choice for you, including:

Finding Purpose and Meaning

Many people living with addiction feel like they are living a life without purpose. They feel rudderless from day to day, not knowing what their own personal meaning in life is. A Christian-focused recovery program can help you reconnect with God’s higher purpose and get you back on track to a life of success.

Treating Underlying Issues

a man feeling guilt

Addiction is often secondary to a deeper, underlying issue. While these underlying problems are different for everyone, they often include:

  • Guilt or shame
  • Trauma
  • Life stressors
  • Relationship problems
  • Emotional challenges

People can often turn to drugs or alcohol to cover up these experiences. But through Christian recovery, you can work on both your addiction and the underlying problem directly.

Christian Fellowship

No one should have to overcome addiction on their own. At Forever International, we emphasize the role of supporting one another in your recovery from addiction and building the Christian fellowship that can sustain your progress for years to come.

A Christian fellowship means lifting each other up. It means finding solace in Bible study with your friends, family, and peers. It means building the supportive and compassionate network required to break free from addiction and live your life following the path set forth by Jesus.

Start Treatment at Forever International

So do faith-based recovery programs work? The answer is a clear and resounding “Yes!” The effectiveness of faith-based treatment has been confirmed not only through science and academics but also through our experience helping people overcome addiction through Christ at Forever International.

You can start a faith-based recovery program today by calling (980) 999-0205 or by entering your information into our online contact form to get in touch with one of our team.